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0432 Can exposure-response curves based on molecular epidemiology data inform the exposure-response curve?
  1. Roel Vermeulen1,
  2. Qing Lan2,
  3. Jelle Vlaanderen1,
  4. Lutzen Portengen1,
  5. Nat Rothman2
  1. 1Iras Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  2. 2National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md, USA


Objectives Derivation of the exposure-response curve at low (occupational) exposures is often troubled by the fact that within epidemiological investigations power to discern the exposure-response curve (ERC) at low exposure levels is often limited. Conversely, we often observe non-linear exposure-response curves at the higher end of the exposure range which amongst others may be due to metabolic saturation.

Method Derivation of the exposure-response curve at low (occupational) exposures is often troubled by the fact that within epidemiological investigations power to discern the exposure-response curve (ERC) at low exposure levels is often limited. Conversely, we often observe non-linear exposure-response curves at the higher end of the exposure range which amongst others may be due to metabolic saturation.

Results Studies on benzene exposed occupational populations have indicated 1) non-linear production of reactive metabolites at low levels of exposure; 2) non-linear production of benzene-oxide adducts; and 3) non-linear associations between benzene and hematoxicity. This is of particular interest as there have been indications of a possible non-linear association between benzene and leukaemia in epidemiological studies.

Conclusions The evidence on a molecular and clinical level may provide evidence for a possible non-linear association between benzene and leukaemia and provides promise that molecular data can directly be integrated in epidemiological risk analyses to inform ERCs.

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