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0310 Napping during night shift and self-reported hypertension among nursing workers
  1. Lucia Rotenberg1,
  2. Aline Silva-Costa1,
  3. Paulo Roberto Vasconcellos-Silva1,2,
  4. Rosane Harter Griep1
  1. 1Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  2. 2Universidade Do Rio de Janeiro-Unirio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Objectives Night and shift work are suggested risk factors for hypertension. Considering the relationship between sleep deprivation and blood pressure, this study focuses on self-reported hypertension and napping during night shift. Our aims are (1) to analyse the prevalence of hypertension among day and night workers and (2) to test the association between napping regularly during night shifts and prevalence of hypertension among night workers.

Method This cross sectional questionnaire study was carried out at 18 public Brazilian hospitals in 2010–2011 (N=3229 registered nurses). Only women workers were included in the analysis (N=1992). Statistical treatment of data was carried out in two steps: (i) assessing self-reported hypertension considering work schedule and (ii) analysing nap habits during night shifts and self-reported hypertension.

Results Mean age was 39.9 (SD= 10) years. Napping during the night shift (for up to three hours) increased the odds of self-reported hypertension 1.8-fold (95% CI 1.36–2.45) compared with day workers with no experience on night shifts, after adjusting for age, physical activity, smoking habits, and housework. Among night workers, sleeping during the night shift reduced the odds of reporting hypertension (OR=0.79; 95% CI 0.63–1.00), compared to those who reported not to sleep during the night shifts.

Conclusions The higher prevalence of hypertension among shift workers was confirmed. Dipping patterns and blood pressure control may be influenced by short periods of sleep in night shifts. The potential positive effect of naps on blood pressure deserves further investigation through automatic monitoring.

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