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0328 Prevalence of obesity and risk of metabolic complications among workers of a harness plant
  1. Eloísa Esquivel Rodríguez,
  2. Osmel La Llave León,
  3. Mónica Gallegos Alvarado,
  4. Armida Rodríguez Salazar,
  5. Angélica Ma,
  6. Lechuga Quiñones
  1. Martha Lilia Parra Domínguez
  2. Universidad Juárez Del Estado de Durango, Durango, Mexico


Objectives To explore the prevalence of obesity and risk of metabolic complications among workers of a harness plant in Durango, Mexico.

Method A croos-sectional study was conducted on 300 workers. Measurements of body mass index (BMI) and waist hip ratio (WHR) were obtained. BMI (m/kg2) was classified into underweight (<18.5), normal range (18.5–24.9), pre-obese (25.0–29.9), obese class I (30.0–34.9), obese class II (35.0–39.9), and obese class III (≥40.0). Risk of metabolic complications (RMC) was considered high when WHR > 0.85 for women, and > 0.95 for men; and moderated between 0.80–0.85 for women and 0.90–0.95 for men. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied for continuos variables, and χ2 test for categorical variables.

Results The mean age (±SD) of the subjects was 28.7 (±8.9) yrs. In the sample, 51.7% were male. According to the BMI, 47.3% of participants were in the normal range, 35.3% pre-obese, and 15.7% showed obesity. According to the WHR, 30% were at high risk, and 28.6% at moderate risk for developing metabolic complications. The RMC (high and moderate) was significant more prevalent in women than in men, 77.5% vs 49.3%, (p < 0.0001). ANOVA yielded significant variation in obesity according to age (p < 0.001). Post hoc Tukey test showed differences of obese class II with normal range (p = 0.007) and underweight (p = 0.0169).

Conclusions The prevalence of obesity and RMC are quite high in studied population. The risk is higher among women and increases with age.

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