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Miligi L, Benvenuti A, Mattioli S, et al. Risk of childhood leukaemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma after parental occupational exposure to solvents and other agents: the SETIL Study. Occup Environ Med 2013;70:648–55. A sentence in Results from the Abstract section contained incorrect odds ratio. The correct sentence is ‘Increased risk of childhood leukaemia was found for maternal exposure to aliphatic (OR 4.3) or aromatic hydrocarbons (OR 3.8) in the preconception period, and for paternal exposure to diesel exhaust (OR 1.4), lead exposure (OR 1.7) and mineral oils (OR 1.4).’

Also, data under ‘Lead’ in table 3 was not correct. The corrected part of table 3 is found below:

Table 3 (corrected part)

SETIL results for parental exposure

Finally, one of the collaborators names need updating. The correct name is Francesco Barone-Adesi (CPO Piemonte, Torino, Italy).

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    Lucia Miligi Alessandra Benvenuti Stefano Mattioli Alberto Salvan Giulio Andrea Tozzi Alessandra Ranucci Patrizia Legittimo Roberto Rondelli Luigi Bisanti Paola Zambon Santina Cannizzaro Ursula Kirchmayer Pierluigi Cocco Egidio Celentano Giorgio Assennato Domenico Franco Merlo Paola Mosciatti Liliana Minelli Marina Cuttini Valeria Torregrossa Susanna Lagorio Riccardo Haupt Serena Risica Alessandro Polichetti SETIL Working Group Daniele Monetti Istituto Oncologico Veneto Lorenzo Gafà Lia Lidia Luzzatto Paola Michelozzi Francesco Forastiere Luigi Gelli Giorgio Assennato Franco Pannelli Manuela Chiavarini Alma Lippi Gabriella Bernini Margherita Nardi Antonio Acquaviva Francesco Barone Adesi Fulvio Cavariani Isabella Belletti Loredana Troeschel Roberto Calisti Stefano Silvestri Letizia Sommani Giuseppe Miceli Andrea Farioli Corrado Magnani