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249 A comprehensive Danish occupational cancer linkage
  1. J H Hansen,
  2. Meersohn
  1. Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark


Objectives Linkages of cancer and occupation provide an important resource to aid in our understanding of the role of occupational exposures in the aetiology of cancer. The majority of existing surveys have, however, been based on census data including occupational information from only one certain date, thus lacking the general situation with several changed between different jobs during a work career. We report on a series of 60 Danish nested case-control studies based on nationwide data linkages, including information on all employments since 1964.

Methods All cancer cases (N = 1,031,504; 50.4% women and 49.6% men) diagnosed between 1970 and 2010, aged 18 and 84 years old, was retrieved from the Danish Cancer Registry. Each subject was individually linked with employment information from the Nationwide Pension Scheme with compulsory membership, including information on start and end of each employment, and a 5-digit hierarchically trade code. Information on job title, civil and vital status was obtained from the Central Population Register (CPR). Controls free of cancer and matched on birth year and sex have been selected from the CPR and linked in the same way as cases. Finally, individual information on SES, residential history, reproduction, prescribed medicine, and comorbidity has been added to each case and control. Finally, a JEM on potential carcinogens can be applied.

Results Results confirm increased risk for e.g. lung and bladder cancer among painters and for nasal cancer in wood dust exposed workers. On the other hand, farmers, gardeners and forestry workers had deficits for many cancers. Results on new significant associations will also be presented.

Conclusions These data confirms many well established associations between work and cancer, and demonstrates that many associations are not fully explained. The large number of cancers available for analysis provides the opportunity to evaluate possible occupational associations even with rare cancers.

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