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A proposed threshold exposure for airborne asbestos
  1. John H Lange,
  2. G Mastrangelo,
  3. L Cegolon
  1. Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health University of Padova Via Giustiniani 235128 Padova, Italy
  1. Correspondence to John H Lange, Envirosafe Training and Consultants, Inc., P.O. Box 114022, Pittsburgh, PA 15239, USA; jhlange1{at}

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The article by Clin et al1 provides additional information for a dose–response relationship between asbestos and cancer. Information where a response curve changes the effect as observed from the background is critical in establishing a safe exposure limit (threshold-exposure/concentration-dose). Some investigators have reported that this threshold is around 25 fibre/ml-years, although for some members of an exposed group this may be lower. However, a cumulative no-effect value does not provide information applicable for practical everyday use when monitoring worker exposure. Recent studies2–4 have suggested levels of exposure where …

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