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Incidence of acute pesticide poisonings in Nicaragua: a public health concern
  1. M Corriols1,
  2. J Marín2,
  3. J Berroteran2,
  4. L M Lozano2,
  5. I Lundberg3
  1. 1
    Karolinska lnstitutet, Stockholm, Sweden
  2. 2
    Ministry of Health, Managua, Nicaragua
  3. 3
    Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  1. Marianela Corriols, CISTA/UNAN Leon, Campus Medico, Leon, Nicaragua; marianela.corriols.molina{at}


Objectives: To estimate the cumulative incidence rate of acute pesticide poisoning in the year 2000 among Nicaraguan subjects over 15 years of age.

Methods: Data on pesticide exposure and health effects were assessed in a nationally representative survey. Based on self-reported cases, we estimated the 1-year incidence rate and the number of expected cases of acute pesticide poisonings in Nicaragua.

Results: Among the 3169 survey respondents, we identified 72 persons who self-reported one episode of acute pesticide poisoning in 2000. Of these, 65 cases (90%) were related to occupational exposure, five (7%) to domestic exposure and two (3%) to intentional exposure. The cumulative incidence rate/100 individuals of pesticide poisonings in Nicaragua in 2000 was 2.3 (95% CI 1.7 to 2.8). This corresponds to 66 113 cases (95% CI 51 017 to 81 210). The highest rate was found among males in rural areas, particularly among farmers and agricultural workers.

Conclusion: This study demonstrates an extremely high risk of acute pesticide poisoning in Nicaragua. Considering this, comprehensive measures should be implemented to reduce adverse health effects.

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  • Funding: This research was supported by the PLAGSALUD Project (Environmental and Occupational Aspects of Pesticide Exposure in Central America, Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization and the Danish Agency for International Development) and the Research Department of the Swedish International Cooperation Agency.

  • Competing interests: None.

  • Ethics approval: The Nicaraguan National Autonomous University Bioethical Committee in Leon, Nicaragua, reviewed and approved the research protocol.