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Erosion of nails following thallium poisoning: a case report
  1. A Saha,
  2. H G Sadhu,
  3. A B Karnik,
  4. T S Patel,
  5. S N Sinha,
  6. H N Saiyed
  1. National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad, India
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr A Saha
 Research Officer (Medical), Occupational Medicine Division, National Institute of Occupational Health, Meghani Nagar, Ahmedabad-380 016, Gujarat, India;


This case report describes a patient with thallium poisoning caused by repeated exposure to low doses of thallium. Alopecia and nail changes were the most prominent features of this case. There was dystrophy of nails in the form of whitish lunular stripes. This is the first report of complete erosion of proximal parts of nails following thallium poisoning. This case is the first report of thallium poisoning from India occurring from repeated low dose exposure.

  • thallium
  • chronic poisoning
  • erosion of nails

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