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Incidence of cancer among Swedish military and civil personnel involved in UN missions in the Balkans 1989–99


Leukaemia cases among European UN soldiers in the Balkans have been related hypothetically to exposure to depleted uranium. This study was performed to investigate the risk of cancer among Swedish personnel (8750 men and 438 women) involved in UN missions in the Balkans 1989–99. The overall incidence of cancer was slightly higher than expected; 34 cancers were observed and 28.1 were expected based on national cancer rates. Among military men, there were eight cases of testicular cancer versus 4.6 expected. There was one case of chronic myeloid leukaemia, and no cases of acute leukaemia. The overall risk of cancer was increased in a subgroup of 648 men taking part in convoy operations, based on only five cancers at four different sites. The study gives no support for the hypothesis that UN service in the Balkans could lead to haematolymphatic malignancies after short latency. However, no exposure assessment was performed, and future follow up is necessary for evaluation of long term risks.

  • UN personnel
  • cancer incidence
  • depleted uranium
  • testicular cancer

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