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Gender differences in the occurrence of farm related injuries
  1. H Dimich-Ward1,
  2. J R Guernsey2,
  3. W Pickett3,
  4. D Rennie4,
  5. L Hartling5,
  6. R J Brison3
  1. 1University of British Columbia
  2. 2Dalhousie University
  3. 3Queens University
  4. 4University of Saskatchewan
  5. 5University of Alberta
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr H Dimich-Ward
 UBC Dept Medicine, VGH Research Pavilion, 716-828 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC Canada, V6H IL8;


Aims: To use national surveillance data in Canada to describe gender differences in the pattern of farm fatalities and severe injuries (those requiring hospitalisation).

Methods: Data from the Canadian Agricultural Injury Surveillance Program (CAISP) included farm work related fatalities from 1990 to 1996 for all Canadian provinces and abstracted information from hospital discharge records from eight provinces for the five fiscal years of 1990 to 1994. Gender differences in fatalities and injuries were examined by comparison of proportions and stratified by sex, injury class (machinery, non-machinery), and age group.

Results: Over the six year period of 1990 to 1996 there were approximately 11 times as many agriculture related fatalities for males compared to females (655 and 61, respectively). The most common machinery mechanisms of fatal injuries were roll-over (32%) for males and run-over (45%) for females. Agricultural machinery injuries requiring hospitalisation showed similar patterns, with proportionally more males over age 60 injured. The male:female ratio for non-machinery hospitalisations averaged 3:1. A greater percentage of males were struck by or caught against an object, whereas for females, animal related injuries predominated.

Conclusions: Gender is an important factor to consider in the interpretation of fatal and non-fatal farm injuries. A greater number of males were injured, regardless of how the occurrence of injury was categorised, particularly when farm machinery was involved. As women increasingly participate in all aspects of agricultural production, there is a need to collect, interpret, and disseminate information on agricultural injury that is relevant for both sexes.

  • surveillance
  • farm
  • gender
  • CAISP, Canadian Agricultural Injury Surveillance Program
  • E-code, external causes of injuries code
  • ICD 9, International Classification of Diseases, ninth revision
  • SPSS, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

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