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Toxicology of the lung: 3rd edition

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    Toxicology of the lung: 3rd edition. Edited by: d e gardner, j d crapo, r o mcclellan. (Pp 416; £110.00) 1999. USA: Taylor and Francis Books. ISBN: 1 56032 801 0.

    This is the 3rd edition of what has become a standard work in the fields of inhalation toxicology and air pollution science. The editors have, again, put together a series of chapters by recognised authorities: some pick up and develop topics considered in the 2nd, and even 1st editions; others deal with new problems. Some potential buyers will be wondering why they should pay £110.00 for this edition when the 2nd (1993) still contains much of relevance and importance. The answer is that we are living in a period when air pollution science is advancing rapidly: much of what was thought about the effects, or lack of effects, of …

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