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Occupational health: recognising and preventing work related disease and injury, 4th edition

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    Occupational health: recognising and preventing work related disease and injury, 4th edition Edited by: barry levy, david h wegman. (Pp 842; £37.00). 2000. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. ISBN: 0-7817-1954-2.

    This is the 4th edition of Occupational health: recognising and preventing work related disease and injury, edited, as before, by Levy and Wegman. Four editions—1983, 1988, 1995, and now 2000—says something in itself: there must be people out there buying it in sufficient numbers for the publishers to countenance the expense of a further edition. There must also be sufficient changes and updates between editions for some people to buy it again for the updates. The questions for the reader of this review must be: Is this a genuine update with additional relevant material to suit the new millennium and is the book …

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