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Temporal epileptic seizures and occupational exposure to solvents.
  1. M Jacobsen,
  2. J Baelum,
  3. J P Bonde
  1. Department of Occupational Medicine, University Hospital of Arhus, Denmark.


    Long term exposure to organic solvents is usually not considered as a possible cause of chronic epileptic seizures. A case that shows a remarkable coincidence between exposure to organic solvents and occurrence of epileptic seizures is reported. The man was a 58 year old sign writer with lifelong exposure to a mixture of organic solvents (mainly cyclohexanone, white spirit, and isopropanol). Epileptic seizures of temporal type were occurring in relation to solvent exposure. The seizures disappeared shortly after stopping exposure but returned just after a short term re-exposure to cyclohexanone. The case history suggests that exposure to organic solvents may elicit or maintain epileptic seizures despite medical treatment.

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