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Concentrations of phenol, o-cresol, and 2,5-xylenol in the urine of workers employed in the distillation of the phenolic fraction of tar.
  1. G Bieniek
  1. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Silesian Medical Academy, Sosnowiec, Poland.


    Phenol (87.3 mg/l), p-cresol (58.6 mg/l), o-cresol (76.9 mg/l), and 2,5-xylenol (36.7 mg/l) were detected in the urine of workers employed in the distillation of the high temperature phenolic fraction of tar (carbolic oil). The concentrations of these compounds in the urine of non-exposed male workers was 11.7 mg/l, 25.7 mg/l, 68.1 micrograms/l, and 69 micrograms/l respectively. The excretion rates were 4.20 mg/h for phenol, 2.4 mg/h for p-cresol, 3.3 mg/h for o-cresol; and 1.5 mg/h for 2,5-xylenol. The highest concentrations of the mentioned compounds were detected in urine collected between eight and 10 hours from the beginning of exposure. The kinetics of excretion are considered.

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