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Differences in lung function and prevalence of pneumoconiosis between two kaolin plants.
  1. M E Baser,
  2. T P Kennedy,
  3. R Dodson,
  4. W Rawlings, Jr,
  5. N V Rao,
  6. J R Hoidal
  1. Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland.


    To investigate the origin of differences in previously published pulmonary function studies of workers in kaolin plants in Georgia, spirometric and radiographic data collected in a cross sectional survey of two large plants were analysed. As compared with workers in plant 2, workers in plant 1 had a 2.7-fold greater prevalence of pneumoconiosis and a mean 0.361 decrement in adjusted forced vital capacity. Our previous finding that exposure to kaolin was not associated with a decrement in lung function may have resulted from failure to consider differences between the plants.

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