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Mortality study of nickel-cadmium battery workers by the method of regression models in life tables.
  1. T Sorahan,
  2. J A Waterhouse


    The mortality experienced by a cohort of 3025 nickel-cadmium battery workers during the period 1946-81 has been investigated. Occupational histories were described in terms of some 75 jobs: eight with "high", 14 with "moderate" or slight, and 53 with minimal exposure to cadmium oxide (hydroxide). The method of regression models in life tables (RMLT) was used to compare the estimated cadmium exposures (durations of exposed employment) of those dying from causes of interest with those of matching survivors in the same year of follow up, while controlling for sex, for year and age of starting employment, and for duration of employment. No new evidence of any association between occupational exposure to cadmium oxide (hydroxide) and cancer of the prostate was found.

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