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An experimental study on the combined effects of n-hexane and toluene on the peripheral nerve of the rat.
  1. Y Takeuchi,
  2. Y Ono,
  3. N Hisanaga


    An electrophysiological study was undertaken to determine whether toluene affected the neurotoxicity of n-hexane. Separate groups of eight rats were exposed to 1000 ppm n-hexane, 1000 ppm toulene, 1000 ppm n-hexane plus 1000 ppm toluene, of fresh air in an exposure chamber for 12 hours a day for 16 weeks. The body weight, MCV, DL, MNCVs were measured before exposure, after four, eight 12, and 16 weeks exposure; and four weeks after exposure was discontinued. Exposure to 1000 ppm n-hexane considerably impaired the function of the peripheral nerve, but exposure to a mixture of 1000 ppm n-hexane plus 1000 ppm toluene resulted in only slight impairment; 1000 ppm toluene had little effect. These results strongly suggest that toluene decreases the toxic effects of n-hexane on the peripheral nerve.

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