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Mortality and morbidity in a pulp and a paper mill in the United States: a ten-year follow-up.
  1. B G Ferris, Jr,
  2. S Puleo,
  3. H Y Chen


    Two hundred and seventy-one men seen in 1963, who worked in a pulp and a paper mill, were followed up ten years later, in 1973. Death certificates were obtained for those who died. There did not appear to be any increased mortality in the group, nor was there any increased specific cause of death. A morbidity study of 200 men seen at both times did not show any differences in respiratory symptoms or prevalence of chronic non-specific respiratory disease. Analysis of pulmonary function showed little, if any, difference between groups. Analysis of retired, deceased, and still-working categories did suggest that exposures to Cl2 or SO2 might have a slight adverse effect on pulmonary function.

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