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Lead content of neuromuscular tissue in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: case report and other considerations
  1. A. Petkau,
  2. A. Sawatzky,
  3. C. R. Hillier,
  4. J. Hoogstraten1
  1. aThe Medical Biophysics, Materials Development, and Analytical Science Branches of the Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, Pinawa, Manitoba, Canada


    Petkau, A., Sawatzky, A., Hillier, C. R., and Hoogstraten, J. (1974).British Journal of Industrial Medicine,31, 275-287. Lead content of neuromuscular tissue in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Case report and other considerations. In a case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, in which the occupational history and laboratory evidence indicated that exposure to lead had occured, it was found at necropsy that in tissues of nerve, spinal cord, and cardiac and skeletal muscle the lead content was 9·6 ± 0·3, 9·9 ± 1·7, 17·7, and 21·1 ± 5·1 μg/g of dry weight of tissue, respectively. Significantly elevated levels of lead were also found at necropsy in nerve, spinal cord, and muscle tissue in other cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis that had not been exposed to lead during life. A reassessment of the role of lead in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is indicated.

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    • 1 Pathology Department, Children's Hospital, Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg, Canada