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A new method for determination of mandelic acid excretion at low level styrene exposure
  1. A. Slob
  1. Netherlands Institute for Preventive Medicine TNO, Wassenaarseweg 56, Leiden, The Netherlands


    Slob, A. (1973).British Journal of Industrial Medicine,30, 390-393. A new method for determination of mandelic acid excretion at low level styrene exposure. A method is described for the determination of mandelic acid in urine. It is possible to determine styrene exposure levels in the air down to 5 mg/m3. The method is based on ethyl acetate extraction of the urine, followed by a paper chromatographic combined with a gas chromatographic separation.

    The method was evaluated in industrial situations and compared with a method used frequently hitherto. The inclusion of a hydrolytic step indicates that part of the mandelic acid is excreted in conjugated form. Workers exposed to styrene levels in the air of less than 5 mg/m3 showed a very significant increase in mandelic acid excretion compared with `no exposure' conditions.

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