Table of contents
April 1972 - Volume 29 - 2
- A Study of the mortality of female asbestos workers (1 April, 1972)
- A mortality study of shipyard workers with pleural plaques (1 April, 1972)
- A histochemical study of the asbestos body coating (1 April, 1972)
- Graphite pneumoconiosis (1 April, 1972)
- Scrotal cancer in the north-west of England, 1962-68 (1 April, 1972)
- Mortality of shift and day workers 1956-68 (1 April, 1972)
- Some effects of ultrasound on guinea-pig ear skin (1 April, 1972)
Research Article
- Occupational health in Great Britain in 1970. (1 April, 1972)
Book reviews
- The Occupational Health Nurse (1 April, 1972)
- Occupational Psychology (1 April, 1972)
- Principles of Medical Statistics, 9th edition (1 April, 1972)
- Sensorineural Hearing Loss (1 April, 1972)
- Emergencies in Medical Practice (1 April, 1972)
- Textiles for Comfort (1 April, 1972)