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Headaches and migraine in colour retouchers
  1. P. J. Taylor,
  2. S. J. Pocock,
  3. S. A. Hall,
  4. W. E. Waters
  1. TUC Centenary Institute of Occupational Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, W.C.1
  2. The Medical Research Council's Epidemiology Unit (South Wales), Cardiff


    Taylor, P. J., Pocock, S. J., Hall, S. A., and Waters, W. E. (1970).Brit. J. industr. Med.,27, 364-367. Headaches and migraine in colour retouchers. A method is described for the study of headaches and migraine in occupational groups. The prevalence of headaches was studied in 158 colour retouchers and 115 page planners in the photogravure industry by means of a self-administered questionnaire and a clinical interview. There was no difference in types of headaches although the first group used the word `migraine' more frequently than the second. Questionnaire findings were very similar to those obtained from a sample of 727 males in South Wales, although infrequent headaches were more common in both printing groups.

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