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Effects of carbon disulphide on the liver of rats
  1. E. J. Bond1,
  2. W. H. Butler,
  3. F. De Matteis,
  4. J. M. Barnes
  1. aToxicology Research Unit, M.R.C. Laboratories, Carshalton, Surrey


    Bond, E. J., Butler, W. H., de Matteis, F., and Barnes, J. M. (1968).Brit. J. industr. Med.,26, 335-337. Effects of carbon disulphide on the liver of rats. Normal rats surviving a single oral dose of carbon disulphide (CS2) show liver enlargement and depression of drug-metabolizing enzymes but no liver necrosis. If the drug-metabolizing enzymes are stimulated by phenobarbitone before exposure to CS2, the LD50 does not change but liver necrosis is produced.

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    • 1 Present address: Canadian Department of Agriculture Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada.