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Cadmium determination in urine by atomic absorption spectrometry as a screening test in industrial medicine
  1. G. Lehnert,
  2. G. Klavis,
  3. K. H. Schaller,
  4. T. Haas
  1. Department of Occupational and Social Medicine of the University of Eriangen-Nürnberg, Germany
  2. The Institute of Occupational Medicine of Niedersachsen, Hannover, Germany


    Lehnert, G., Klavis, G., Schaller, K. H., and Haas, T. (1969).Brit. J. industr. Med.,26, 156-158. Cadmium determination in urine by atomic absorption spectrometry as a screening test in industrial medicine. Cadmium was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry in the urine and serum of 18 workers exposed to cadmium dust and fume in a zinc smelting plant. In all cases the concentrations of cadmium in the serum were within the normal range, but those in the urine were elevated. The elevated urine concentrations showed that the exposed group had taken up more cadmium than normal, although they showed no clinical symptoms of cadmium poisoning. Analysis of urine for cadmium is therefore of value in preventive medicine, and should be used for periodic check-ups on those occupationally exposed.

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