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Carbon Disulphide Poisoning with Increased Ethereal Sulphate Excretion
A clear-cut change in urinary sulphate excretion has been found in a case of subacute carbon disulphide poisoning, the ethereal fraction being greatly increased to 1·59 g./l., that is, 70% of the total urinary sulphate. Three weeks later the figure was still significantly abnormal: 1·25 g./l., i.e., 59·6% of total sulphate excretion. The normal pattern of sulphate excretion was reached about six weeks after the last exposure: ethereal sulphate 0·20 g./l. (8·7%); inorganic sulphate 1·97 g./l. (85·7%); neutral sulphur 0·13 g./l.
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↵1 Present address: Research Laboratories, Emek Hajarden.