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A Study of the Skin Absorption of Ethylbenzene in Man
  1. Tadeusz Dutkiewicz,
  2. Halina Tyras
  1. Department of Toxicological Chemistry and Industrial Toxicology, Medical Academy, Lódź, Poland


    The absorption of ethylbenzene through the skin of the hand and the forearm in men was investigated experimentally. Both the absorption of liquid ethylbenzene and the absorption from aqueous solutions were studied. The rate of absorption of liquid ethylbenzene was 22 to 33 mg./cm.2/hr, and the rates from aqueous solutions were 118 and 215 μg./cm.2/hr from mean concentrations of 112 and 156 mg./litre.

    The mandelic acid excreted in urine was equivalent to about 4·6% of the absorbed dose—much less than after lung absorption. Urinary mandelic acid does not provide a reliable index of absorption when there is simultaneous skin and lung exposure.

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