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Chronic Manganism: Preliminary Observations on Glucose Tolerance and Serum Proteins
  1. M. Hassanein,
  2. H. A. Ghaleb,
  3. E. A. Haroun,
  4. M. R. Hegazy,
  5. M. A. H. Khayyal
  1. Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
  2. The Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University


    An intravenous glucose tolerance test was carried out in 11 patients with chronic manganese poisoning. Prolonged reactionary hypoglycaemia was observed. The underlying mechanism is discussed. It may be due to a disturbance of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis.

    In seven of these patients total serum proteins were estimated and were separated electrophoretically. The albumin: globulin ratios were lower in patients than in controls. There were significant reductions in serum albumin concentrations and increases in concentrations of α1 and β globulins.

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