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Health Examinations of Senior Staff in Industry
  1. Susan H. Meadows
  1. Department of Occupational Health and Applied Physiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


    Of 228 senior staff participating in schemes for their health supervision who were asked for their opinions on the examinations, 26% said they had derived a lot of benefit, 53% a little, 20% no benefit, and 1% were unable to express an opinion. The degree of benefit felt was influenced by the number of routine examinations; age was relatively unimportant. Detection of hidden illness was considered the most important objective of the examinations, and the value of reassurance, usually in the absence of abnormal clinical findings, was mentioned by 65% of the respondents.

    Ten per cent admitted to being worried by the idea of the examinations before they took place, and 32% said, retrospectively, that the examinations had reduced their concern about health. There was little criticism of the content of the examinations or the way the scheme was organized. The time given was considered to be of fundamental importance, as were also the personal qualities and interest of the examining doctor.

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