Table 4

Adjusted HRs, 95% CIs of antidepressant use in human service professions when compared with non-human service employees at the same skill/education level, by gender

CodeJob titleN/eventsHR*95% CIN/eventsHR*95% CI
Health professionals
 2221Medical doctors†2033/5871.431.31 to 1.561967/6911.131.04 to 1.22
 323Nurses‡§509/1581.551.32 to 1.8212225/39981.030.99 to 1.07
 5132Practical nurses¶1358/4491.571.42 to 1.7511881/41481.171.13 to 1.22
 5133Home care assistants¶275/831.491.20 to 1.865604/21001.301.24 to 1.36
Education professionals
 2321Secondary school teachers1955/4461.080.98 to 1.194810/14680.930.88 to 0.99
 2331Primary school teachers1601/3821.151.03 to 1.273544/10370.910.85 to 0.97
 2332Preschool teachers125/311.200.84 to 1.712866/8840.980.91 to 1.05
 2340Special education teachers†322/831.230.99 to 1.52836/3051.141.02 to 1.28
 5131Childcare workers¶103/401.721.25 to 2.3610886/35321.071.03 to 1.12
Social workers
 2446Social workers†396/1612.111.80 to 2.472393/9291.271.18 to 1.36
 3460Social care workers**537/1721.571.35 to 1.832154/8121.231.14 to 1.32
Customer services
 42Service clerks††1128/2410.850.75 to 0.9812246/41040.990.95 to 1.03
 511Travel services¶423/961.060.86 to 1.31481/1400.830.70 to 0.98
 2445Psychologists‡‡246/691.361.08 to 1.731131/3811.040.94 to 1.15
 5162Police officers¶1486/3451.050.93 to 1.19128/521.401.06 to 1.84
  • *Adjusted for marital status, education level, county, income and unemployment.

  • †Medical doctors, secondary school teachers, primary school teachers, preschool teachers, special education teachers, social workers and psychologists were compared with all non-human services occupations whose ISCO code starts with 2 (eg, business, legal and engineering professionals).

  • ‡Includes both ‘3231: Nurses’ and ‘3232: Midwives’.

  • §Nurses and social care workers were compared with all non-human services occupations whose ISCO code starts with 3 (eg, finance and sales technicians).

  • ¶Practical nurses, home care assistants, childcare workers, travel services and police officers were compared with all non-human services occupations whose ISCO code starts with 5 (eg, sales persons and demonstrators).

  • **Includes both '3443: Social benefit administrators' and '3460: Social care workers'.

  • ††Service clerks were compared with all non-human services occupations whose ISCO code starts with 4 (eg, secretaries and insurance clerks).

  • ‡‡Includes both '2412: Counsellors' and '2445: Psychologists'.

  • ISCO, International Standard Classification of Occupations.