Table 1

Characteristics of the study population stratified for non-shift workers and shift workers

Non-shift workers (n=5980)
Percentage or mean (SD); median
Shift workers (n=532)
Percentage or mean (SD); median
Age (years)
Gender (% female)76.859.6*
Educational level (% high)37.428.2*
Marital status (% married/living together)68.361.1*
Smoking status (% smoker)24.032.5*
Diet (% MDS≥5)54.658.5
Occupational group†
 White-collar outside healthcare80.851.2*
 White-collar inside healthcare8.930.5*
Occupational PA
 Sedentary job53.933.1*
 Standing job26.822.9
 Manual work12.337.4*
 Heavy manual work7.06.6
PA type (hours/week)
 Walking9.4 (9.9); 6.014.2 (13.0); 9.0*
 Cycling3.7 (3.7); 3.03.9 (4.1); 3.0
 Exercise1.8 (2.4); 1.02.1 (2.8); 1.0*
 Chores15.8 (11.2); 14.014.6 (10.7); 12.0*
PA intensity (hours/week)
 Moderate PA25.2 (15.5); 22.028.8 (17.0); 26.0*
 Vigorous PA5.5 (4.5); 4.56.0 (5.2); 5.0*
Sports activities
 Plays sports (% yes)57.654.5
 Type of sports (% non-individual)‡36.136.3
 Sports intensity (% ≥6.0 MET)‡62.467.7
  • *Significant difference (p<0.05) between shift workers and non-shift workers.

  • †Data available for 4513 participants who reported their job (4044 non-shift workers and 469 shift workers).

  • ‡Data available for only 1796 participants (of the 3737 participants who played sports, for 1892 EPIC-Prospect participants and 49 EPIC-MORGEN participants it was unknown what sport they played).

  • MDS, Mediterranean Diet Score; MET, metabolic equivalent value; PA, physical activity.