Table 3

Work attendance by HIV status and time period before death for 361 HIV-positive and 167 HIV-negative miners who died from natural causes

HIV-positive (%) time, by years before deathHIV-negative (%) time, by years before deathFinal year: adjusted OR or RRR (95% CI) HIV-positive versus HIV-negative
Work status>2PenultimateFinal>2PenultimateFinal
At work78.476.361.281.976.272.2
Absent from work21.623.738.818.123.827.81.70* (1.35 to 2.15)
Medical5.78.621.83.67.513.22.05 (1.42 to 2.97)
Leave13.413.214.412.914.712.81.34 (1.06 to 1.68)
Unauthorised2. (1.19 to 2.34)
Total (person years)6692201913698590
  • * OR for work absence, HIV-positive versus HIV-negative.

  • RR ratio for type of work absence relative to being at work, HIV-positive versus HIV-negative.

  • Adjusted for age and calendar period.