Table 3

Distribution of NLRP3 and TIMP2 genotypes according to the existence and severity of radiological changes

Interstitial lung fibrosis
GenotypeNo changes*Any changesOR (95% CI)†Subnormal‡ changesOR (95% CI)†Pathological‡ changesOR (95% CI)†
NLRP3 rs35829419
 Gln705Gln182 (92.4)661 (88.8)1.0589 (89.9)1.072 (87.8)1.0
 Gln705Lys or Lys705Lys15 (7.6)83 (11.2)1.57 (0.87 to 2.82)73 (11.0)1.47 (0.82 to 2.67)10 (12.2)2.44 (0.97 to 6.14)
Calcification of pleural plaques
 GenotypeNo calcification*CalcificationOR (95% CI)†Mild§ calcificationOR (95% CI)†High§ calcificationOR (95% CI)†
TIMP2 rs2277698
 G853G107 (83.6)617 (77.1)1.0238 (79.1)1.0379 (76.0)1.0
 G853A or A853A21 (16.4)183 (22.9)1.58 (0.95 to 2.65)63 (20.9)1.36 (0.78 to 2.38)120 (24.0)1.90 (1.09 to 3.33)
  • Data are presented as n (%) except as noted.

  • *Reference category.

  • †Adjusted for age, sex, pack-years and years of asbestos exposure.

  • ‡The changes were considered as mild if the radiological score was <2 and severe if the radiological score was ≥2.

  • §The calcification was considered as mild if it was sparse and high if a considerable part/nearly all of the pleural plaques were calcified.