Table 3

Application of search strategies to three pathologies: numbers of citations retrieved, proportions of potentially pertinent articles and overall NNR values

PubMed queryMeningioma
Atrial fibrillation
Retrieved, nPertinent, n (%)NNRRetrieved, nPertinent, n (%)NNRRetrieved, nPertinent, n (%)NNRRetrieved, nPertinent, n (%)NNR
‘First string’ (more specific strategy)2016 (80)1.21910 (53)1.92011 (55)1.85937 (63)1.6
‘First string’+narrow PubMed clinical query for aetiology954 (80)1.251 (20)5.021 (50)2.0126 (50)2.0
‘First string’+broad PubMed clinical query for aetiology 91714 (82)1.2146 (43)2.362 (33)3.03722 (59)1.7
‘Second string’ (more sensitive strategy)8018 (23)4.419522 (11)8.923222 (9)10.550762 (12)8.2
‘Second string’ NOT ‘first string’ (incremental contribution of the second string)602 (3)30.017612 (7)14.721211 (5)19.344825 (6)17.9
String proposed by Schaafsma et al42013 (65)1.53613 (36)2.8187 (39)2.67433 (45)2.2
String used by the Cochrane Occupational Health Field35117 (33)3.010818 (17)6.06015 (25)4.022050 (23)4.4
  • (Occupational risk OR occupational diseases) AND name-of-the-disease.

  • (Occupat* OR worker*) AND name-of-the-disease.

  • NNR, number needed to read value.