Table 1 Classification and summary of barriers and facilitators in the implementation of primary preventive interventions aimed at patient handling in health care
Type of barrier and facilitator and sourceCategoryNo of studiesNo of barriers (B)No of facilitators (F)
1. Individual (Rothschild et al 1999)16A. Motivation: willingness of individuals to undertake the necessary actions to commit to the intervention864
B. Ability: capability of individuals to do something that requires specific skills, knowledge, experience and attitude633
2. Environment (Shain and Kramer 2004)17A. Social support: supportiveness of family, friends, co-workers and others towards the intervention312
B. Convenience and easy accessibility: availability of resources such as enough time to transfer patients, enough lifting devices, trained staff, etc14187
C. Management support: commitment of employers to the intervention12
D. Supportive management climate: organisation of work in ways that promote rather than hinder the intervention544
E. Wide appeal: attractiveness of the intervention to a wide variety of workers11
F. Interactivity: reinforcement of the intervention by other work practices11
Evanoff et al, 200312G. Patient-related factors432