Table 1

Characteristics of reference and pesticide poisoned banana plantation workers

CharacteristicReference population,
Organophosphate poisoned,
Carbamate poisoned,
Age (years), mean (SD)29.0 (10.0)29.0 (8.2)26.5 (6.1)
Education (years), mean (SD)3.1 (0.8)2.8 (0.8)*3.0 (0.9)
Current alcohol use, % (n)55.4 (72)59.3 (32)50.0 (12)
History of head trauma, % (n)23.8 (31)38.9 (21)37.5 (9)
Plasma cholinesterase <median (2.18 IU), % (n)48.5 (63)59.2 (32)37.5 (9)
Time of day of examination, % (n)
 Morning26.9 (35)50.0 (27)§62.5 (15)§
 Afternoon73.1 (95)50.0 (27)37.5 (9)
Index of long-term exposure to cholinesterase inhibitors, % (n)
 Lowest quartile33.1 (43)7.4 (4)20.8 (5)
 2nd Quartile24.6 (32)20.4 (11)33.3 (8)
 3rd Quartile20.8 (27)37.0 (20)25.0 (6)
 Highest quartile21.5 (28)35.2 (19)20.8 (5)
Contact with cholinesterase inhibitor during last month, % (n)7.7 (10)24.1 (13)12.5 (3)
  • * Organophosphate poisoned workers (n=54) tended to have lower education than referents (t test, p=0.06).

  • Organophosphate poisoned workers tended to report more frequent alcohol use than referents (χ2 test, p=0.08).

  • Both organophosphate and carbamate poisoned workers had experienced head trauma more often than referents (p<0.01).

  • § Organophosphate and carbamate poisoned workers were examined more frequently in the morning than referents (p<0.001).

  • Organophosphate and carbamate poisoned workers more often reported recent contact with cholinesterase inhibitors than referents (p<0.001).