Table 1

 Comparison between current smokers and ex- or never smokers in mean levels of BPb (μg/dl) and FEP (μg/dlRBC) in 2000 and 2003

Current smokerEx- or never smoker*p value
Mean (SE) (n = 62)Mean (SE) (n = 43)
*t test.
†Percentage was calculated by subtracting each 2000 value from 2003 value divided by 2000 value (mean (SE)).
BPb in 200047.6 (1.8)43.0 (2.0)0.0971
BPb in 200340.4 (2.0)32.4 (1.9)0.0057
% reduction†15.3 (2.6)24.3 (2.7)0.0238
FEP in 2000268 (27)196 (24)0.0624
FEP in 2003150 (19)115 (17)0.1425
% reduction†37.3 (3.5)40.7 (3.4)0.5131