Table 2

 Some specific symptoms and their hypothesised pathogenesis

SymptomProposed (hypothesised) cause(s)
Dry eyes
    Gritty and sandyAir exposed nerve endings in the microvilli layer of epithelium, where the mucin layer has been ruptured, exposing patches of bare microvilli and nerve endings152
    Fuzzy visionMeibomitis58
Allergic conjunctivitis66,139
The mucin layer is intact, but the water layer over the mucin layer breaks up into small islands that distort the transfer of light152
    Stinging, burning, painBreak up of PTF, possibly followed by chemical stimulation, including increased osmolarity due to evaporation. This may stimulate nociceptors, which are sensitive to chemical and mechanical stimuli123
Burning, irritation, tearing, drynessUpgaze, glare, small font, flicker118
Ache and strainNear work, lens flipper, mixed astigmatism conditions (accommodative and vengeance stress)