Table 1

 Description of the whole UKAEA cohort with a breakdown into those individuals who were in the original mortality study and the new individuals who were recruited since 1979, or who were employed at Risley

In original cohortNew individualsWhole cohort
Total number of subjects375271384051367
Dead on 31 Dec 1997982842110249
Deaths from cancer27761802956
Deaths from other causes70522417293
Not flagged for follow up989
Radiation workers21156523926395
Mean year of birth193119551937
Mean age at hire29.926.529.0
Mean duration of employment10.87.710.0
Mean duration of follow up31.015.126.7
Total external dose (man.Sv)911.258.8970
Mean annual dose (mSv)4.261.573.95
Mean cumulative dose (mSv)43.0711.2218.88
Person-years at risk11617992093541371153