Table 6

 Mortality from lung cancer and from all causes in relation to smoking status, 1958–2000

Smoking statusObsExp†SMR(95% CI)
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, () indicates deficit.
†Based on mortality rates for England and Wales.
‡Includes 80 ex-smokers (see text).
Lung cancer
Non-smoker (n = 139)02.10
Smoker‡ (n = 278)166.8236**(135 to 383)
n/k (n = 395)1211.3106(55 to 185)
All causes
Non-smoker (n = 139)1221.556(*)(29 to 98)
Smoker‡ (n = 278)4567.567(**)(49 to 89)
n/k (n = 395)134109.4123*(103 to 145)