Table 1

 Comparison of intervention and control group at baseline for age, sex, number of days with LBP during the past year, and self rated health

Intervention groupControl group
*Difference between intervention and control (χ2 test) p = 0.764. Results expressed as % (95% CI).
†Difference between intervention and control (χ2 test) p = 0.119. Results expressed as % (95% CI).
Age (mean, range)44.6, 21–6444.4, 21–64
SexAll femaleAll female
Days with LBP during past year*
    0 days43 (38 to 53)39 (31 to 48)
    1–7 days30 (23 to 37)29 (22 to 37)
    8–30 days10 (6 to 15)11 (7 to 18)
    >30 days10 (6 to 15)11 (7 to 18)
    Daily7 (2 to 8)10 (4 to 14)
Self rated health†
    Excellent38 (31 to 46)25 (18 to 33)
    Good50 (43 to 58)54 (46 to 63)
    Fair12 (7 to 17)20 (13 to 27)
    Bad01 (0 to 4)
    Very bad00