Table 2

Pooled effect estimates for peak expiratory flow (PEF), where n represents the number of studies and p values derive from the Q combinality test for homogeneity between study effect estimates

PollutantMethod of pooling or subgroupChange in PEF (l.min−1) per unit (μg.m−3) increase in pollutantExpected impact on PEF (l.min−1) of a 50 μg.m−3 rise in pollutantQ test p valuen
Pooled effect estimate95% confidence interval
*Number greater than the total number of studies as some studies present results separately for symptomatic and non-symptomatic/asthmatic children.
PM2.5Overall pooled effect estimate
    Fixed effects model−0.063−0.091−0.034−3.15<0.055
    Random effects model−0.144−0.243−0.044−7.20
PM10Overall pooled effect estimate
    Fixed effects model−0.012−0.017−0.008−0.60<0.00113
    Random effects model−0.033−0.047−0.019−1.6513
Subgroups based on the population studied (fixed effects models)
    Asthmatic or symptomatic children−0.010−0.014−0.005−0.50<0.0059*
    Non-symptomatic children−0.039−0.055−0.024−1.95<0.0015*
Subgroups based on environmental conditions (fixed effects models)
    High ozone levels−0.041−0.074−0.009−2.05<0.0253
    High SO2 levels−0.025−0.047−0.003−1.251
    High PM10 levels only−0.011−0.016−0.007−0.55<0.0019
Subgroups based on pollutant lag (fixed effects models)
    Same day or prior day only−0.009−0.014−0.005−0.45<0.0018
Subgroups based on analytical approach fixed effects models)
    Use of a two stage approach−0.033−0.054−0.013−1.65<0.0253
    Use of a population daily average outcome−0.011−0.016−0.007−0.55<0.00110