Table 1

Standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) for selected causes in the cohort of asphalt workers in subgroups with different inclusion criteria with respect to duration of employment

Cause of death (9th ICD revision)Employed for more than one season† (n = 29820)Employed for less than one full season or longer‡ (n = 29060)
*Observed deaths; †all countries; ‡only in Denmark, France, Israel, Netherlands, and Norway.
All causes (001–999)39870.960.93 to 0.9945311.020.99 to 1.05
All external causes (800–999.8)4390.970.88 to 1.074971.101.01 to 1.21
Industrial accidents (919–920)101.230.59 to 2.2691.060.48 to 2.01
Suicide (950–959)1580.910.77 to 1.061901.080.93 to 1.24
Road accidents (810–819)941.160.94 to 1.421061.180.97 to 1.43
Other external causes (800–807, 820–918, 921–949, 960–999.8)1770.990.85 to 1.151921.150.99 to 1.32