Table 4

Spearman correlation coefficients for the same variables in the questionnaire and seven day diary, and the average differences between the questionnaire and seven day diary (n = 47)

Variables (questionnaire versus seven day diary)Spearman correlation coefficientAverage of differences between the two methods (%)
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (two tailed).
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two tailed).
Boiling water (min/week)0.46**60.81(26.01)
Washing up (min/week)0.50**23.45(16.91)
Dishwasher (min/week)0.82**29.43(6.48)
Total time (min/week) washing up0.68**113.68(23.57)
Showering (min/week)0.80**−12.43(−8.74)
After showering in bathroom (min/week)0.80**3.45(−1.86)
Bathing (min/week)0.76**6.87(13.31)
After bathing in bathroom (min/week)0.76**−1.70(10.26)
Total time showering, bathing, and in bathroom (min/week)0.58**−3.81(1.27)
Swimming (min/month)0.72**−60.00(−21.49)
Overall total exposure from cooking and washing up, personal washing, and swimming (min/week) 0.76**112.03(13.49)
Tap water (home) (l/week)0.79**0.62(11.67)
Tap water (work and elsewhere) (l/week)0.43**0.87(−0.09)
Total tap water (l/week)0.77**1.44(13.05)
Bottled water (home) (l/week)0.70**0.66(3.23)
Bottled water (work and elsewhere) (l/week)0.55**0.91(−0.16)
Total bottled water (l/week)0.71**1.55(5.71)
Hot beverages (home) (l/week)0.68**0.48(13.32)
Hot beverages (work/elsewhere) (l/week)0.66*0.52(−2.01)
Total hot beverages (l/week)0.77**0.99(15.32)
Milk (home) (l/week)0.51**0.15(6.83)
Milk (work and elsewhere) (l/week)−0.8−0.09(−8.51)
Total milk (l/week)0.60**0.10(−0.79)
Squash (home) (l/week)0.52**0.33(−2.08)
Squash (work and elsewhere) (l/week)0.27−0.10(−18.35)
Total squash (l/week)0.49**0.22(−11.74)
Soft drinks (home) (l/week)0.32*−0.56(−21.70)
Soft drinks (work and elsewhere) (l/week)0.22−0.20(−25.79)
Total soft drinks (l/week)0.52**−0.73(−31.14)
Alcoholic beverages (home) (l/week)0.53**0.08(16.31)
Alcoholic beverages (work and elsewhere) (l/week)0.26−0.11(−21.13)
Total alcoholic beverages (l/week)0.69**−0.03(−2.26)
Soup (home) (l/week)0.38**0.02(−17.20)
Soup (work and elsewhere) (l/week)0.30*0.00(5.47)
Total soup (l/week)0.31*0.11(10.45)
Total fluid intake at home (l/week)0.46**1.80(7.67)
Total fluid intake at work and elsewhere (l/week)0.66**1.79(0.04)
Overall total fluid intake (l/week) 0.55**3.59(8.30)