Table 4

Poisson regression analyses of death from mesothelioma in relation to various indices of exposure

Exposure indexDeaths observedAdjusted relative risk (95% CI)p value
All analyses exclude deaths and person-years in the first 10 years of follow up. Analyses by intensity category also exclude subjects not completing five years of employment.
Intensity category (mean)
1:0- (1.5)11.00
2:2.38- (3.9)43.36 (0.37 to 30.87)
3:6.45- (11.5)22.32 (0.21 to 26.12)
4:26.17- (60.4)22.14 (0.19 to 23.89)
Linear model (per 10 f/ml.y)0.02 (<0 to 1.08)>0.20
Cumulative exposure
1:0- (8.6)11.00
2:11.7- (16.7)43.72 (0.41 to 33.46)
3:25.2- (53.2)33.42 (0.35 to 33.15)
4:113.8- (393.8)43.68 (0.41 to 33.22)
Linear model (per 100 f/ml.y)0.10 (<0 to 1.81)>0.20
Residence weighted exposure
1:0- (144)0(combined with 2)
2:235.4- (349)31.00
3:500.1- (943)41.57 (0.35 to 7.07)
4:1826.9- (6976)51.95 (0.45 to 8.51)
Linear model (per 1000 f/ml.y)0.03 (<0 to 0.64)>0.20