Table 2

Distribution of Caucasian interviewed cases and controls by lineage, marital status, age left school, number of years worked* and deprivation†

*Number of years worked collated from occupational histories up to two years prior to diagnosis. Of the eight cases and seven controls who had never worked continuously for at least six months, three cases and four controls were in full time education.
†Deprivation coded using categories of the Townsend scores for England and Wales; cases are more likely to live in deprived areas than their matched controls (Pearson’s χ2=12.95, p=0.07).
‡AML, acute myeloid leukaemia; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Other acute leukaemias includes five cases of acute biphenotypic leukaemia, and five cases of unspecified acute leukaemia.
Marital status
Age left school
    Not known1(0)0(0)
Number of years worked*
    Never worked8(1)7(0)
    Not known59(8)73(5)
    1 (least deprived)129(17)315(21)
    7 (most deprived)72(9)93(6)
    Not known2(0)6(0)