Table 6

Reported percentage time using tools and at environment parameters

All subjectsNo. of subjectsMean % time (SD)Bias95% CI of the bias(%) accuracy
Activity cardQuestionnaire
Chopsaw80.4 (0.6)2.1 (4.3)−1.7−5.4 to 2.095
Hammer/mallet/sledge/nailgun1632.0 (37.6)26.7 (35.6)4.9−5.5 to 15.378
Hand power saw1617.7 (21.5)16.3 (22.6)1.4−6.9 to 9.683
Other hand power tool160.4 (0.8)3.7 (9.6)−3.3−8.0 to 1.590
Other tool830.3 (32.6)11.7 (29.0)18.7−3.4 to 40.877
Powder actuated tool120.1 (0.5)0 (00.1−0.2 to 0.499
Rotohammer169.5 (14.5)15.3 (21.7)−5.7−12.4 to 1.085
Screwgun/drillmotor1620.8 (25.6)22.7 (29.0)−1.9−17.2 to 13.469
Stationary power tool160.5 (1.3)1.1 (2.7)−0.6−2.1 to 1.097
No. of workers
3 or less1650.3 (31.3)45.9 (28.5)4.4−8.4 to 17.276
4 or more1641.7 (30.4)54.1 (28.5)−12.3−25.6 to 0.972
Inside1611.3 (24.6)18.3 (29.1)−7.0−25.5 to 11.423
Partial enclosure1634.1 (40.1)33.4 (33.0)0.7−19.4 to 20.762
Outside1651.0 (44.0)48.3 (44.3)2.7−5.8 to 11.349