Table 2

Smoking prevalence by current job exposures and sex in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey, 1992–93

 (n)Current smoking prevalence, % (95% CI)cpdSubjects 
 (n)Current smoking prevalence, % (95% CI)cpd
cpd, cigarettes per day among current smokers.
Biologic dust
    None536339.4 (38.1 to 40.8)18599433.7 (32.5 to 34.9)12
    Low78344.6 (41.1 to 48.1)2088443.3 (40.0 to 46.7)15
    High39837.7 (32.9 to 42.7)1818231.3 (24.7 to 38.6)15
Mineral dust
    None414536.9 (35.4 to 38.4)17612733.7 (32.6 to 34.9)13
    Low187744.4 (42.2 to 46.7)2057540.3 (36.3 to 44.5)15
    High52248.3 (43.9 to 52.7)2035845.3 (40.0 to 50.6)15
Gas or fumes
    None395137.2 (35.7 to 38.7)18527633.5 (32.2 to 34.8)13
    Low190042.4 (40.2 to 44.7)20139036.9 (34.4 to 39.5)13
    High69348.8 (45.0 to 52.6)19.539445.9 (40.9 to 51.0)15