Table 4

Results of multiple linear regression analysis including smoking, exposure to glue (possibly formaldehyde), duration of exposure, age, and current exposure (three categories) as independent variables for the lung function variables and nasal cellularity (in the outcomes (total adusted R2 or adjusted βs) a differentiation is made between male and female workers)

Years of exposureCurrent exposure
Lung functionR2β AdjustedR2β Category Iβ Category IIβ Category III
*p<0.05; **p<0.01.
FEV1 (l):
    Men0.341−0.199*0.353 0.079 0.177** 0.177*
FVC (l):
    Men0.296−0.115**0.315 0.05 0.134 0.127
    Women0.127 0.020.140 0.153 0.132 0.076
FEV1/FVC (%):
    Men0.058−0.140**0.068 0.07 0.138 0.119
MEF (l/s):
    Men0.083−0.141**0.090 0.028 0.095 0.050
    Women0.055−0.0120.073 0.167 0.195 0.170
PEF (l/s):
    Men0.121−0.0800.125 0.219** 0.191 0.143
    Women0.063 0.0220.097 0.290** 0.256** 0.234*
Resonance frequency:
    Men0.068 0.0530.099−0.505*−0.538*−0.416*
    Women0.113 0.0720.123−0.300**−0.294**−0.147
Average resistance (R):
    Men0.061−0.0130.072−0.220−0.250 0.220**
    Women0.037−0.0010.045 0.202 0.176 0.030
Reactance (X):
    Men0.025 0.0330.051 0.386* 0.453* 0.295*
    Women0.100−0.0720.111 0.308** 0.256 0.177**
Frequency dependence:
    Men0.010−0.1170.028 0.340** 0.330** 0.250**
    Women0.029−0.0590.041 0.020 0.030 0.040