Table 5

Multiple regression of annual lung function change over two years on laboratory animal sensitisation, recent exposure, and the presence of respiratory symptoms in subjects working with laboratory animals for more than four years (n=217)

ParameternΔFEV1 (ml/y) β (SE)ΔFVC (ml/y) β (SE)ΔMMEF (ml/s/y) β (SE)
*p<0.05; **p<0.01.
Gender (female)6025.4 (15.8)19.6 (19.1)−2.6 (39.7)
Age (/10 y)−6.9 (8.8)−21.4 (10.5)*−3.4 (21.9)
Pack years (/y)−1.5 (0.8)−0.9 (0.9)−2.4 (2.0)
Former smoker7810.1 (14.2)10.1 (17.1)18.7 (35.6)
Common atopy99−7.3 (15.5)−17.5 (18.7)3.3 (38.8)
Recently exposed to laboratory animals203−42.7 (26.6)−39.1 (32.1)−5.7 (66.7)
Sensitised to laboratory animals62−21.5 (25.5)−22.5 (30.7)8.2 (63.8)
Sensitised and exposed to the same laboratory animal443.9 (28.0)8.7 (33.7)−87.3 (70.1)
Symptoms of respiratory allergy to laboratory animals3339.8 (19.5)*72.5 (23.4)**17.9 (48.7)