Table 4

Annual per cent change in lung function variables during the last five years of follow up in compressed air divers with low exposure of less than 10 dives, divers with saturation and mixed gas diving exposure, and compressed air divers with exposure of more than 10 dives

Low exposure air diversSaturation and mixed gas diversHigh exposure air divers
Mean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)
*Significantly different (p<0.05) from the change in the high exposure compressed air divers.
FVC−0.24 (1.21)−0.60 (0.99)−0.55 (0.88)
FEV1−0.21 (1.16)*−0.98 (0.83)−0.76 (0.87)
PEF−0.76 (1.59)−1.53 (0.88)−0.64 (1.62)
FEF25% 0.09 (2.21)*−1.34 (0.82)−1.07 (1.77)
FEF50%−0.99 (1.78)−2.16 (1.23)−1.21 (1.96)
FEF75%−1.18 (1.62)*−4.27 (1.14)−2.63 (2.20)
FEF25–75% 0.28 (1.93)*−1.88 (0.76)−0.94 (1.78)
TlCO−1.48 (1.44)−0.67 (0.70)−1.26 (1.49)
KCO−1.95 (0.82)−1.16 (0.69)−1.60 (1.47)
VA 0.49 (1.13) 0.49 (0.73) 0.37 (0.89)